Known bugs and limitations


Please use this form to send bug report.


- Bugs are fixed as soon as they are found.
- W3Perl is not able to cope with load balancing server.
- If you are using SELinux, you should set yourself the appropriate permissions

Bug fixes are included in the developement package.

Date Script Problem Occur Fix Status
Release 3.08
2010/02/18 cron-inc crash apache rotation with a single logfile set zipcut to 0 rather than 3 Fixed
2010/02/10 cron-pages missing links low trafic website To be fix


Some come from the OS, others are due to W3Perl itself.
  • On system with restricted length filename (MacOS 9, Win3.11 or RiscOS), you can't use the highest level of precision which is 4.

  • Your logfile should have at least one request by week. If not, date may shift.

  • You need to get the latest Perl version in order to parse logfile larger than 2 Gb (or you need to split your logfile).

  • URL mapping may fail with some awful HTML files (Bill, buy a HTML book please !). Users public html directories are not parse by the script in some case (to be fixed).

  • Symbolic links works only in a few case (to be fixed).

  • You need to get logfile at least two days long to compute something.

  • W3Perl will exit if date format is not the english one (answer : export LANG="eng" or setenv LANG eng)

  • W3Perl produces holes in the countries HTML page.
    Update your pays-conv file to add the new country.

  • W3Perl can't cope with more than 120 crunched logfiles or 10 years of logfiles. If you are using a webserver since 10 years, tell me !