Others good freeware stats packages

Choosing a stats package is not a easy task. It's up to you to get the one which will be more useful for your web. Package listed are my favourite one, they should be the best freeware package available.
Some are fast (written in C), others have nice graphical output. These packages have their own feeling, doing few things the others don't but as they're still in development, they become close to each other.

The top 10 of my favourite stats package

(If you think your package should be include, send me your URL).

Stats package Author Language Price Output Pros Cons Last Update
AWStats 6.95 Laurent Destailleur Perl GPL awstats.sourceforge.net/cgi-bin/awstats.pl Widely used Lack of new features
Webalizer 2.21 Bradford L. Barrett C GPL www.webalizer.com/sample/ Fast Nothing new since January 2009 2009
Http-analyse 2.4 Stefan Stapelberg C Freeware www.netstore.de/stats/ 2006
Analog 6.00 Stephen Turner C Freeware www.statslab.cam.ac.uk/webstats/stats.html Very fast Text output 2004
Piwik 0.6 Piwik PHP/Mysql Freeware piwik.org/demo/ PHP scripts
Updated frequently
Based on tags inserted in html pages. Database needed 2010