
To add new features, you could install several optional plug-in. Go to the download page to get the package.


The first one is the Geo::IPfree perl module which allow to map IP to country code, allowing to get country stats with IP logfiles. It can be used as an alternative to reverse dns as the perl module use a local database to map IP to country code. Making DNS queries can be very long, but this is the only way to resolve IP to hostname, GeoIPfree doesn't do the same job, IP are not translated to hostname.

Installation from source

  1. Get the perl module from
  2. Download Geo-IPfree-1.10.tar.gz (as 05/2010)
  3. perl Makefile.PL
  4. make
  5. make test
  6. make install

- Installation from CPAN

- Unix

  1. perl -MCPAN -e shell
  2. At the prompt 'cpan>' type 'install Geo::IPfree'
- Windows

  1. Go to your Perl installation path (usually C:\Perl)
  2. Type 'ppm'
  3. At the prompt 'PPM>' type 'install Geo::IPfree'
Download the latest ipscountry.dat available, put it within your perl module (/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8/Geo/ in my case).

- Installation from package

This Perl module is already included in most distribution. Search for Perl-Geo-IP and Perl-Geo-Ipfree


Geo::IP perl module is an alternative to Geo::IPfree which also allow to map IP to country code, allowing to get country stats with IP logfiles. It can be used as an alternative to reverse dns as the perl module use a local database to map IP to country code. (update are freely available on the maxmind website). Making DNS queries can be very long, but this is the only way to resolve IP to hostname, GeoIP doesn't do the same job, IP are not translated to hostname.

Step 1 - Installation : GeoIP Library

  1. Get the library from
  2. download GeoIP.tar.gz
  3. ./configure
  4. make
  5. make check
  6. make install

if user's install, use ./configure --prefix /home/me/GeoIP instead of ./configure (where /home/me/GeoIP is the location where GeoIP will be installed).

Then if you want to map IP with country code, you'll need the Geo::IP module :

Step 2 - Installation : Geo::IP module

  1. Get the perl module from
  2. Download Geo-IP-1.38.tar.gz (as 09/2009)
  3. perl Makefile.PL
  4. make
  5. make test
  6. make install

if user's install, use perl Makefile.PL LIBS='-L/home/me/lib' INC='-I/home/me/include' PREFIX=/home/me/GeoIP (where /home/me/GeoIP is the location where GeoIP have been installed).

Update the database file from
Download the latest GeoIP.dat.gz, uncompress the file and put it in /home/me/GeoIP/share/GeoIP/


To get cities stats, you can use the free GeoLiteCity database from maxmind which require the GeoIP library (see Step 1 from Geo::IP).

Step 1 - Installation : GeoIP Library

You need first to install the GeoIP library. See the Geo::IP installation and follow only the first step

Step 2 - Installation : GeoLiteCity database

  1. Download the database file from
  2. Uncompress the file and put it in /home/me/GeoIP/share/GeoIP/ if you have installed the package as a user.

In W3Perl configuration file, $geoipcity_file should pointed to your GeoLiteCity.dat file (/home/me/GeoIP/share/GeoIP/GeoLiteCity.dat for a user's install).

 PDF report 

Stats reports can be exported in PDF thanks to the htmldoc program
You can download the package here

 Mail report 

In order to send stats report via email, you'll need to install the perl MIME::Lite module.

- Installation from source

  1. Get the perl module from
  2. Download MIME-Lite-3.023.tar.gz (as 01/2009)
  3. perl Makefile.PL
  4. make
  5. make install

if user's install, use perl Makefile.PL LIBS='-L/home/me/lib' INC='-I/home/me/include' PREFIX=/home/me/MIMELite (where /home/me/MIMELite is the location where MIME::Lite will be installed).

There is a faster way to install the package using CPAN :

- Installation from CPAN

- Unix

  1. perl -MCPAN -e shell
  2. At the prompt 'cpan>' type 'install MIME::Lite'
- Windows

  1. Go to your Perl installation path (usually C:\Perl)
  2. Type 'ppm'
  3. At the prompt 'PPM>' type 'install MIME::Lite'


At last, if you want W3Perl to extract data from your SPIP database, the perl DBI module should be installed.

Proceed as the MIME::Lite perl module but replace MIME::Lite with DBI.
Once the DBI module installed, you need to install the database connector. (DBD-mysql for a mysql database).

See the FAQ and bug report if something's wrong.
If you have any trouble when installing the package, send me an email about what's wrong. Try to be as much precise as you can.